Why 2,500 members in the Funguy Family?
The number 2,500 represents a diverse but close-knit community. We chose this size to balance variety in our collection with a community feeling where we can engage with members on a more personal level.
How many Funguys are held from sale?
Tuschay Studios will retain 52 unique Funguys for future giveaways, rewards for individuals that have contributed to this project, and auctions. The specific Funguy numbers are: 1, 25-42, 425-442, 1425-1429, 2425-2429, and 2496-2500.
What’s next for the Funguys?
Funguys have a lot to look forward to! They'll be featured in games and social hangouts within The Sandbox, with 10 games currently in development. Additionally, upcoming collections will be minted with the $TSHY token. And soon, you'll be able to purchase Funguy merch using $TSHY generated through holding a Funguy.
How often can I breed my Funguys?
You can breed any Funguys you own as many times as you wish. Breeding opportunities open periodically and are announced via our Discord channel. Join our community there to stay updated!
How do I claim $TSHY tokens?
As a Funguy holder, you'll accumulate $TSHY tokens over time, which you can claim anytime you want through our dedicated page.
What can I do with $TSHY tokens?
$TSHY Tokens are ecosystem utility tokens that can be used to redeem physical and digital goods in the upcoming shop, opening in late 2023. Current utility while the shop is being worked on is the ability to purchase Funguy Babies by accessing the breeding form via Discord.